

DNS Record History

Block 184,947 2023-08-10 17:52:55
  1. TXT
    • ---TXT records for this TLD in blocks 128429, 128430, 128431, 128432, 128433 are OUR GENERAL TERMS OF USE for this TLD---
Block 128,434 2022-07-12 11:46:51
  1. DS
    • 33046 13 2 eb8cff60fd08280a05dc74b95f70eb2d7145d0f0702f74fb567f0c248b8c6c83
  2. NS
    • ns5.nameserver.io.
  3. NS
    • ns4.nameserver.io.
  4. NS
    • ns3.nameserver.io.
  5. NS
    • ns2.nameserver.io.
  6. NS
    • ns1.nameserver.io.
  7. TXT
    • ---TXT records for this TLD in blocks 128429, 128430, 128431, 128432, 128433 are OUR GENERAL TERMS OF USE for this TLD---
Block 128,433 2022-07-12 11:25:17
  1. TXT
    • Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds
  2. TXT
    • Allah be with you
  3. TXT
    • Domain names of this TLD are expected to be used exclusively by Muslims, But we can't make sure that it happens in 100% of the situations.
  4. TXT
    • (Secondary sales of domain names of this TLD are no forbidden)
Block 128,432 2022-07-12 11:19:15
  1. TXT
    • You can use your Muslim domain name as your personal blog, to talk about food, halal activities, your web 3 identity, talk about Islam, talk about whatever you want, as long as you don't misuse domain names of this TLD
  2. TXT
    • If you find a website misusing a domain name from this TLD, you should report it with a tweet using #fakemuslimweb3
  3. TXT
    • In the same tweet you must mention the Twitter account @muslimdomain or @muslimdomains
Block 128,431 2022-07-12 11:16:54
  1. TXT
    • The domain names of this TLD are for men and women and we will not discriminate in any way because Allah loves all his creation.
  2. TXT
    • Understand the misuse of the domain name, like any website promoting violence, speaking ill of Islam, Allah or the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
Block 128,430 2022-07-12 11:08:37
  1. TXT
    • We will analyze the site and if it is misuse the domain name will be deactivated
  2. TXT
    • The person who purchased the domain name will not get their money back for misuse of the domain name once the domain name is deactivated, even if the person has paid for renewal for several years.
  3. TXT
    • Please do not use the domain names of this TLD for terrorist purposes as this will be considered misuse and the domain will be deactivated.
  4. TXT
    • (misuse of domain name=bad use=improper use)
Block 128,429 2022-07-12 10:56:10
  1. TXT
    • Islam is a religion of peace and love, if you promote violence it will be considered misleading and your domain name will be deactivated.
  2. TXT
    • The domain name registrars and the owner/s of this TLD are not responsible for the improper use of any domain name of this TLD.
  3. TXT
    • By purchasing domain names of this TLD from any domain name registrar, you agree to these Terms of Use
Block 128,425 2022-07-12 10:06:41
  1. DS
    • 33046 13 2 eb8cff60fd08280a05dc74b95f70eb2d7145d0f0702f74fb567f0c248b8c6c83
  2. NS
    • ns5.nameserver.io.
  3. NS
    • ns4.nameserver.io.
  4. NS
    • ns3.nameserver.io.
  5. NS
    • ns2.nameserver.io.
  6. NS
    • ns1.nameserver.io.
  7. TXT
    • Praise be to Allah
  8. TXT
    • Allah be with you
  9. TXT
    • Domain names of this TLD are expected to be used exclusively by Muslims
  10. TXT
    • You can use your Muslim domain name as your personal blog, to talk about food, halal activities, your web 3 identity, talk about Islam, talk about whatever you want, as long as you don't misuse domain names for this TLD
Block 128,424 2022-07-12 09:54:02
  1. DS
    • 33046 13 2 eb8cff60fd08280a05dc74b95f70eb2d7145d0f0702f74fb567f0c248b8c6c83
  2. NS
    • ns5.nameserver.io.
  3. NS
    • ns4.nameserver.io.
  4. NS
    • ns3.nameserver.io.
  5. NS
    • ns2.nameserver.io.
  6. NS
    • ns1.nameserver.io.
  7. TXT
    • 'D-E/ DDG 1( 'D9'DEJF
  8. TXT
    • 9DJCE 'DDG
  9. TXT
    • 3J*E '3*./'E #3E'! 'DF7'B'* D@ TLD G0' -51JK' EF B(D 'DE3DEJF
  10. TXT
    • JECFC '3*./'E '3E 'DE,'D 'D%3D'EJ 'D.'5 (C CE/HF*C 'D4.5J) \012 DD-/J+ 9F 'D79'E \012 H'D#F47) 'D-D'D \012 HGHJ*C 9DI 'DHJ( 3 \012 H'D*-/+ 9F 'D%3D'E \012 H'D*-/+ 9F CD E' *1J/ \012 7'DE' #FC D' *3J! '3*./'E #3E'! 'DE,'D DG0' 'DE,'D.
Block 128,423 2022-07-12 09:48:51
  1. DS
    • 33046 13 2 eb8cff60fd08280a05dc74b95f70eb2d7145d0f0702f74fb567f0c248b8c6c83
  2. NS
    • ns5.nameserver.io.
  3. NS
    • ns4.nameserver.io.
  4. NS
    • ns3.nameserver.io.
  5. NS
    • ns2.nameserver.io.
  6. NS
    • ns1.nameserver.io.
  7. TXT
    • 'D-E/ DDG 1( 'D9'DEJF
Block 127,540 2022-07-06 06:39:24
  1. DS
    • 33046 13 2 eb8cff60fd08280a05dc74b95f70eb2d7145d0f0702f74fb567f0c248b8c6c83
  2. NS
    • ns5.nameserver.io.
  3. NS
    • ns4.nameserver.io.
  4. NS
    • ns3.nameserver.io.
  5. NS
    • ns2.nameserver.io.
  6. NS
    • ns1.nameserver.io.
Block 61,337 2021-03-31 06:09:49
  1. GLUE4
    • ns1.xn--ygb8abc.
  2. NS
    • ns1.xn--ygb8abc.